Rainbow six siege win rates

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Not to mention he became the first UK League of Legends player to win the EU Masters back in Spring – then went and won it again in the Summer. The bot-laner won the LFL in France with Karmine Corp (KC) in Spring 2021, topped the standings in Summer 2021 and finished as runner-up in the playoffs. If any UK player from the ERL (European Regional League) level deserves to have a shot in the LEC, for me it’s xMatty – and here’s why. Esports News UK editor Dom Sacco argues why it’s time for xMatty to step up to the next level. While the likes of Perkz, Alphari and Bwipo have been taking the headlines, one man who’s flying a little under the radar could offer LEC or LCS teams a solid alternative option: UK ADC player Matthew ‘xMatty’ Coombs, who’s had some serious success this year with France’s Karmine Corp. Silly season is well and truly underway, with many rumours of pro League of Legends players set to switch teams ahead of 2022, as organisations look to make changes and bolster their rosters.